Good morning + happy Black history month. On Mondays, I like to meditate on the ancestors + other spiritual guides such as our intuition. Today’s tarot spread encourages us to build a loving relationship with our ancestors, whomever they may be. This can include learning about one’s history, culture, + the contributions of your peoples that perhaps you didn’t learn about in school. This can also include meditating on your ancestors, sending them love, + feeling the love they are sending you.
My Black ancestors have done a lot to ensure that I would have a better chance in this world than they did, even if they would never live to see the world they were sacrificing their lives to create. Today I will meditate on this.
We can also meditate on our intuition. Perhaps you have problems trusting it, or discerning between anxiety + intuition. In these instances, taking calming breaths + going with what feels natural is always the best option. Anxiety ensues panic, intuition doesn’t. Allow yourself just a split second to breathe + feel, you will surely be able to tell the difference.